Aidan is starting to walk again all by himself. Today Diane said he just stood up and walked across the room! He had a physical therapy appointment today and he did really well- threw a ball, crawled through a tunnel, walked around- Diane said he was exhausted afterward :) They said he still has some weakness in his hands. He has one more physical therapy appointment before they leave. Sam said that he is slowly saying more words-including Momma! Go Aidan go! You are truly remarkable.
We are going to miss them when they leave- may God be with you on your travels. Diane's good friend who is a nurse is flying out from Seattle to be with them as they drive to Alabama- what a blessing! I will continue to post updates once a week with pictures of Aidan and his family. Thank you all that have prayed for them and please continue to pray that they can turn towards God for strength and comfort.
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