From an email from Diane: "Aidan is doing well, except the sleeping part. We will go home tomorrow, they had hinted a little yesterday that maybe they would let us out today but found out this morning they rather not, so whats one more day after all this time. He will be on 5 different meds which includes his Lovenox twice a day through a shot. That is more than he has ever had. The last 2 days he seems to be seeing more and more we can't wait to see what the eye doctor says on the Nov.9th! He is trying to stand but is so tired, I think when we get him home and he is more rested and gets some homemade "Mimi" food (low-fat version) he will start to do better. He sits up really good now and does well holding on to things, his hands still seem a little weak though. All in due time, we are so proud of all the progress he has made in just the past week. I thank God countless times a day for our Aidan! When I stop and think about all he has been through it just about does me in, but all is going so well and we are SO thankful! Aidan wants nothing to do with any of the doctor's or nurse's and they are all so sweet to him, but his nurse Nancy said it's very normal and he will continue to be that way for awhile even after we go home. On Friday Christina and Pablo came for a visit, Sam and I were thrilled, Aidan not so much, he gets very nervous when anyone is around... Sorry guys. One of Aidan's PICU nurse's named "Sarah" (who has 2 little boys) came to see him and brought him a CD with some of her boys favorite songs on it, we will put it in for the ride home tomorrow. She was so wonderful to Aidan and us, at night she would help to get him to sleep which was a huge task, and one night she read Aidan a story... I loved it, can't remember the last time someone read out loud to me... It made me nice and sleepy! Jackie another PICU nurse checks on the little monkey everyday and will come to Oma's house during the week for a visit. She's become part of the family, my sister's also got to meet her and think she is wonderful! We can't wait to be home and see all our family & friends, we miss and love you all dearly! We did not think Aidan would be able to par-take in the Halloween fun this year but now we have hopes that he will, and will be all decked out in his "Football" out fit from Erin another PICU nurse! God love those girls."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I'm a rock star
From an email from Diane: "Aidan is doing well, except the sleeping part. We will go home tomorrow, they had hinted a little yesterday that maybe they would let us out today but found out this morning they rather not, so whats one more day after all this time. He will be on 5 different meds which includes his Lovenox twice a day through a shot. That is more than he has ever had. The last 2 days he seems to be seeing more and more we can't wait to see what the eye doctor says on the Nov.9th! He is trying to stand but is so tired, I think when we get him home and he is more rested and gets some homemade "Mimi" food (low-fat version) he will start to do better. He sits up really good now and does well holding on to things, his hands still seem a little weak though. All in due time, we are so proud of all the progress he has made in just the past week. I thank God countless times a day for our Aidan! When I stop and think about all he has been through it just about does me in, but all is going so well and we are SO thankful! Aidan wants nothing to do with any of the doctor's or nurse's and they are all so sweet to him, but his nurse Nancy said it's very normal and he will continue to be that way for awhile even after we go home. On Friday Christina and Pablo came for a visit, Sam and I were thrilled, Aidan not so much, he gets very nervous when anyone is around... Sorry guys. One of Aidan's PICU nurse's named "Sarah" (who has 2 little boys) came to see him and brought him a CD with some of her boys favorite songs on it, we will put it in for the ride home tomorrow. She was so wonderful to Aidan and us, at night she would help to get him to sleep which was a huge task, and one night she read Aidan a story... I loved it, can't remember the last time someone read out loud to me... It made me nice and sleepy! Jackie another PICU nurse checks on the little monkey everyday and will come to Oma's house during the week for a visit. She's become part of the family, my sister's also got to meet her and think she is wonderful! We can't wait to be home and see all our family & friends, we miss and love you all dearly! We did not think Aidan would be able to par-take in the Halloween fun this year but now we have hopes that he will, and will be all decked out in his "Football" out fit from Erin another PICU nurse! God love those girls."
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I'm so glad to hear that Aiden is home. That's great news and I'm sure he is so much happier there too.