An email from Diane:
"Aidan sat in the tub by himself! He had PT and lunch (he eats anything we give him). Now he is taking a much needed nap, last night he was up from midnight to 9am. I let Sam sleep from 12 to 6am and then she took over, "Mimi" was sooooo tired. This morning his doctor "Bevin" came in for a chat, he slept through it all, but while she was sitting and talking to Sam and I his oxygen was in the 90's! He must love hearing her voice... She has been not only been Aidan's doctor from the moment Sam was 5 months pregnant but also a very dear friend to us all, we feel like she is family. Sam really looks up to her and she is a constant support to us all. Along with all our family and friends she has shed many a tear about Aidan this past month. Jackie one of his PICU nurse's again sent us a homemade lunch, it was yummy! "Pop-pop" misses his little guy so much and can't wait to get his hands on him, it is so hard for him to be away. Laura D.& her mom Peggy are helping us to get a better rate on a hotel by the "Hospital for Special Care", which is huge favor. Once again the blessings that keep coming our way from each and everyone of you mean so much to us. My bud Robyn who lives in Washington state will be flying out in Nov. and will spend 2 weeks with us, she is Aidan's God-mommy, and a special one at that! Oma continues everyday to support us in so many ways, we would not have made it through this hospital stay with out her and her kookiness! I miss all my work buddy's and can't wait to see you on the 26th! Maureen has been so gracious to share her going away party with me, I feel very honored! Laura S. even through being sick keeps in touch to check on us by either calling or texting to see how we are holding up, she is a little worry wart! Christina & Pablo will be coming tomorrow for a visit---lots of picture taking will go! Michelle E. from work starting texting Sam today about "Twilight & New Moon" but she meant to text me... Sam thought she had a stalker! Once I read the messages I knew who it was, but it gave us a good laugh!
Sam was blowing bubbles to Aidan this morning and he was so excited, not sure how much of them he saw but he felt them and loved it, it was a great moment.
Even through the sadness of what has happened we still have wonderful treasured times with Aidan, we laugh and share hope with everyone around us, our friends the Chase's & Jo-ann, are always in touch along with my mom's friends, my amazing sister's and their families, my work girls and the staff here. Life truly is good! We love you all."