Aidan had his trach removed! Yay go Aidan go! He has started talking again which is something he couldn't do when the trach was in. He loves making animal sounds and being loud. Aidan likes to spend his days now climbing around his room (which I know is a work out for Diane and Sam to keep those IV lines from getting tangled!) and playing with his toys. Diane says he loves dancing also. I think this is just so awesome that Aidan is getting to be the Aidan we know. Praising God for this time of relief for Aidan.
Diane and Sam have been in the hospital with Aidan for six months. They have not seen their home or slept in their beds for a half a year. Their world stopped in August but from the view from the window they can see snow! We pray that you guys continue with God and rely on Him for strength. Shout and roar Aidan so everyone can hear how brave and strong you are. We love you!
"Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name;
make his praise glorious" Psalm 66:1-2