Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sweet dreams little man
Aidan's doctors had a meeting with Sam and Diane to discuss his treatment options. It was a hard meeting for Sam and Diane but they were blessed to have their friend Jackie with them. Jackie is a nurse in the pediatric cardio unit at Yale, which is where she met Aidan. She is a gift from God! She came to spend the night with Sam and Diane even though she just had knee surgery and needs crutches/wheelchair to get around. What a friend!
Aidan's vent was moved from his mouth to his nose. Today Aidan's doctors had him in the cath lab to coil more collateral veins. The doctors are working hard to improve Aidan's lungs. We continue to pray that the doctor's hands and decisions are overruled by God.
I was able to visit Aidan and he was giving the nurses a run for their money. He has a lot of strength and we know you can keep fighting Aidan. We love you! Pop-pop (Rick) is coming tomorrow to see you buddy :)
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Thursday, September 23, 2010
New clothes

Tonight I ask everyone to keep Rick "Pop-pop" in your prayers for Aidan. He is missing his grandson as he has to be in Alabama to work. What a sacrifice for his family, to be strong and to go to work each day.
We love you Aidan- rest easy tonight.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Aidan's Fundraiser
Aidan's cousin Jessica has set up a fundraiser to help offset some of the costs of living in Boston. They are looking to be there for months.
We love you Aidan!
We love you Aidan!
Paparazzi no more pictures :)
Aidan's cath went well (sorry I didn't update sooner!) They were able to do a new fenestration and Aidan has been holding his stats up. He had a xray of his lungs this morning and it was looking like they were not doing well but a second xray later in the day had them looking a little better. They had to do a new pic line and are adjusting his blood pressure meds to help keep his pressures up.
Aidan had some visitors today- family friends Doug and Cheryl and Uncle Stephen. I am so glad that they are in Boston not only for the amazing doctors but so that they can have more visitors :) God is good!
We love you Aidan. You are doing a great job buddy- keep it up! What a strong little boy you are!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
My little sunshine
Laura, Jewel, and I went to see Aidan, Diane, Sam and Oma today. It was so great to see them! Aidan looked like Aidan again- hardly any swelling in his face. Tomorrow he is going back into the cath lab and the doctos are going to try and make a new fenestration in his heart to help relieve some of the pressure which will help stop the casts from forming- so big day, please keep him in your prayers.
Diane and Sam mentioned how awesome the nurses and doctors are at Boston children's. Aidan's blood pressure was dropping and they calmly came in and did what was needed and it wasn't until after that they were told that it was a rocky situation. I was able to see one of Aidan's nurses today and it was her first time with Aidan and she was so wonderful with him. As I can remember from Yale, Aidan has had quite a few impressive nurses in the past. Diane and Sam also said he had a following of nurses at Birmingham- he must win them over with that great smile :)
Aidan did wake up to "say hello" to me with his big bright eyes. He even held my hand- I am so in love with this little boy. He is my little sunshine and may the Lord bless him everyday :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Busy day for Aidan
An email from Diane:
"Wow what a busy day for Aidan. They did a MRI today and he was there for about 2 hrs., it went well though. When he got back to the room he was having some issue's with his blood pressure dropping, they quickly got it under control. Then he had an echo on his belly, it has gotten even more swollen... They put a drain in and blood came out, stopped his heparin and gave him blood and plasma. The surgeon's checked him out and feel stopping the heparin will solve the problem. If the weekend goes well and Aidan does not throw them another curve ball they will do another heart cath on Monday. The results from the MRI lead them to believe they can make Aidan a new fenestration in the cath lab and not in the OR. If he has to have it done in the OR it's rather invasive, so I'm keeping my fat fingers and toes crossed that it works out in the cath lab! He was looking nice and pink tonight and his oxygen levels were in the low 90's! YEAH!"
Aidan we hope you have a peaceful weekend. Get your rest little man- we love you!
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" Matthew 11:28-30
"Wow what a busy day for Aidan. They did a MRI today and he was there for about 2 hrs., it went well though. When he got back to the room he was having some issue's with his blood pressure dropping, they quickly got it under control. Then he had an echo on his belly, it has gotten even more swollen... They put a drain in and blood came out, stopped his heparin and gave him blood and plasma. The surgeon's checked him out and feel stopping the heparin will solve the problem. If the weekend goes well and Aidan does not throw them another curve ball they will do another heart cath on Monday. The results from the MRI lead them to believe they can make Aidan a new fenestration in the cath lab and not in the OR. If he has to have it done in the OR it's rather invasive, so I'm keeping my fat fingers and toes crossed that it works out in the cath lab! He was looking nice and pink tonight and his oxygen levels were in the low 90's! YEAH!"
Aidan we hope you have a peaceful weekend. Get your rest little man- we love you!
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" Matthew 11:28-30
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Plan B
During Aidan's cath the doctor's were not able to do what they wanted to so now its on to plan B- I am still not clear on what that is but I know that they are focusing on getting Aidan's lungs better. He had a quiet day yesterday with an echo done on his belly to see if a drain is needed to help with the excess fluid. Today he had a transfusion and his left lung is not doing too well. They are waiting to hear more from the doctors. We pray that the doctor's thoughts and hands are overruled by God and that Sam and Diane have the strength to endure. We love you guys!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Cream of the crop
Aidan made it to Boston with out a hitch- Thank God! Sam and Diane met with some of Aidan's team of nurses and doctor's today. One of the nurses made the comment that Aidan has the "cream of the crop" looking after him. He had a bronchial scope today to look for casts- and there was none!! Only mucus. They are doing a cath sometime today to see if there needs to be any ballooning done. Sam and Diane feel very good about being in Boston. They wanted me to let all the nurses and doctors in "Bama" that they are so very thankful for all that you did for Aidan.
"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" Ephesians 6:10
Go Aidan go!
I will post again with pictures and more info as they find out more of the game plan.
"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" Ephesians 6:10
Go Aidan go!
I will post again with pictures and more info as they find out more of the game plan.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Boston bound!
Samantha has asked me to start up the blog again to keep everyone updated on our little buddy Aidan. As many of you have heard Aidan has been in the hospital since the beginning of August battling plastic bronchitis. Plastic bronchitis is when rubber like casts form in the lungs causing airway obstruction and can present in people with congenital heart defects.
Aidan has shown the doctors and nurses at Birmingham Children's hospital how strong he is and how God is working in his life. He has given them quite a scare a few times but in Aidan like fashion continues to fight. They have found a doctor in Boston who has treated other children with hypo-plastic left heart syndrome. He has preformed reverse surger
( The hair-do is courtesy of one of Aidan's nurses and the other picture Aidan is trying to hide from the doctors :)
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