Rick was discharged a few days after being admitted and is doing ok. Aidan has moved out of the cardiac intensive care unit and is now on the "floor". Go Aidan go! We pray this new year brings you all even closer to God.
An email from Diane:
To all our friends and family please know that we love you all and know how blessed we are, there has been more blessings around us than I could ever count! So for the New Year we all know what we are wishing for... Of course we are hoping and praying for Aidan to get his new heart and have a happy healthy life, we also wish that for all our sweet little one's with us at Boston... May everyone who has touched our lives have a wonderful blessed New Year! Love, hugs and Kisses xox
"Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary " Isiah 40:31
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Prayers needed
Rick aka "Pop-pop" was admitted to the ER today in Boston for chest pains. The EKG did not look good and they will be doing a CAT scan soon. Diane said maybe a cath will be done tomorrow. I will post again when I hear more.
If any family can handle this it is the Benardo's. We love you all. Stay strong and lean on the Lord.
"The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble" Psalm 37:39
If any family can handle this it is the Benardo's. We love you all. Stay strong and lean on the Lord.
"The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble" Psalm 37:39
Monday, December 20, 2010
An email from Diane: |
Dear family and friends,
All the love, prayers, thoughts and gifts just keep coming... We are blessed in so many ways that my healthy heart is full to the brim with love and gratitude to each and everyone of you!! So many people have touched our lives with money, gifts, food, cards, a hug and smiles, and it all helps to give us the strenght to get us through this. Waiting and watching Aidan go through this is not easy at all, but I could never imagine doing this without all the support we have gotten from all of you. So to everyone please know that not a day, an hour, a moment goes by where I don't thank God for all the love and beautiful people who are sharing this all with us in New England, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Washington, North Carolina, Florida, New York and the hospital... May all your holiday dreams come true!
My love to all, Diane
P.S. Before I forget Aidan had a wonderful weekend, he is doing great, and had lots of fun with his Oma, Tanta Pattie, my son Stephen and Dayna & Eileen (friends from Boston), he was awake and got to play with everyone! We have made around $600.00 in tee-shirt sales for "The Resource R" thanks to Sam, Laura, Rick and my niece's in Maine!
![]() |
Aidan and his NEW blanket from a sweet mother named Heather =) |
Rejoicing with you guys that you are able to be together for Christmas and that Aidan has been having some good days. We too are thinking and praying for Aidan every day, every hour, and every moment. You all are doing an amazing job relying on the Lord and trusting in Him.
"May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
On the move
A text from Diane: "Aidan is doing great! Walking more and more everyday! His personality is coming back. Yeah!"
Go Aidan go! I love seeing these pictures of him out of bed. He is stronger now and is ready for that great gift. There has been talk about moving him off the cardiac intensive care floor to the cardiac floor because he is doing so well.
We pray that Aidan is in God's hands and is working on his behalf. May the family who gives Aidan his gift find strength in the God and peace in knowing that they are saving this amazing kid.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Go Aidan go! I love seeing these pictures of him out of bed. He is stronger now and is ready for that great gift. There has been talk about moving him off the cardiac intensive care floor to the cardiac floor because he is doing so well.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Monday, November 29, 2010
"I am going for a walk"
After 17 weeks in a hospital bed Aidan decided he wanted to go for a walk. Wearing a diaper and slippers Aidan walked half way down the hallway and back! Go Aidan go! Today was a good day. He has had a rough couple of days with a fever and casts building up. The Lord's timing is perfect and we patiently wait. Keep up the good work Aidan, you are so amazing.
"Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act..." Psalm 37:7
"Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act..." Psalm 37:7
Friday, November 26, 2010
Walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Special love to "Pop-pop's" (Rick) coworkers at Thyssenkrupp Steel. Thank you for all your prayers and support
Team Aidan Shirts
I had the privileged of going to see Aidan, Samantha, Diane, and Rick. It was so good to see him. He was sleepy during our visit but he did give me the best kiss on the cheek! The next day he started to cough up casts and his oxygen levels dropped into the 50s. He is stable now but does have a fever and they have started him on antibiotics.
While I was there Team Aidan shirts arrived. They were made and donated by Samantha's Aunt Peggy in Maine. Diane and Sam are selling them for $10 and will be donating the proceeds to the "resource room" that is in the hospital for families to use. While we were there the resource room staff had made Thanksgiving dinner for the families. If you would like to help Diane and Sam give back to the people that are making bright moments for them in this trial please email me at melindabeever@gmail.com and I will make sure you get one.
Living on the pediatric cardiac intensive care floor is, well intense. I think that God put them there not only for Aidan to receive extraordinary care but so that they can be a blessing to others. Diane helped a mother ,who was alone, say goodbye to her baby. Not only does Diane have the strength to endure this trial, she is helping others around her. "God made me strong" is her response to how she makes it through the day.
Please continue to carry this family in your prayers. It is critical that Aidan can overcome these casts and infection so he can be healthy enough to receive his gift of a new heart. You can do this Aidan! Lean on the Lord.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
While I was there Team Aidan shirts arrived. They were made and donated by Samantha's Aunt Peggy in Maine. Diane and Sam are selling them for $10 and will be donating the proceeds to the "resource room" that is in the hospital for families to use. While we were there the resource room staff had made Thanksgiving dinner for the families. If you would like to help Diane and Sam give back to the people that are making bright moments for them in this trial please email me at melindabeever@gmail.com and I will make sure you get one.
Living on the pediatric cardiac intensive care floor is, well intense. I think that God put them there not only for Aidan to receive extraordinary care but so that they can be a blessing to others. Diane helped a mother ,who was alone, say goodbye to her baby. Not only does Diane have the strength to endure this trial, she is helping others around her. "God made me strong" is her response to how she makes it through the day.
Please continue to carry this family in your prayers. It is critical that Aidan can overcome these casts and infection so he can be healthy enough to receive his gift of a new heart. You can do this Aidan! Lean on the Lord.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Monday, November 15, 2010
Crusin' outside
I was so excited that I forgot to share the news that Aidan was put back on the list!! Go Aidan! He was put back on about 24 hours after his catheteization and has been doing great since. So good in fact that his awesome nurse said he could go outside today!
A text from Diane: "Aidan just had the best day in 4 months! Music class, went outside and to throw leaves and played with the clowns!"
Glad you had an amazing day little buddy. I am sure you will rest well tonight :)
"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy" Psalm 126:3

Glad you had an amazing day little buddy. I am sure you will rest well tonight :)
"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy" Psalm 126:3
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cath lab today
Aidan went into the cath lab today to balloon up some arteries and have some other procedures done. This was done to help with his pressures in the heart and the fluid build-up in his sweet little body. Diane said he was a "feisty two year old" this morning, which was a good thing. He was very lethargic yesterday she said. The doctors hope to be able to put Aidan back on the list within 24 hours.
Go Aidan go! You are so amazing buddy. Keep leaning on the Lord. He will guide you through this.
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God.." Ephesians 6:10-11
Friday, November 5, 2010
Godspeed little man, sweet dreams |
"Aidan has been put on 'pause' for now. That means until he is better he can't get a heart. Lots of casts, chest infection, and swollen with fluid right now. He is on some strong antibiotics and diuretics so the hope by Monday he will be back on the list."
In the book of Psalms you can find the word selah used in between scriptures. It means to pause. To pause and reflect on the what you have just read and take it in. We need to pray for Aidan and selah in our hearts, reflect on how God has been with Aidan this whole time, and leave Aidan in God's hands. We pray for Sam, Diane, and Rick to lean on the Lord and let Him carry them.
Selah Aidan- rest well this weekend. We want to see you back on the A list on Monday!
"Seek the Lord and His strength.." Psalm 105:4
PS Diane wanted me to share a sweet moment that Aidan had:
"Two clowns came to sing to Aidan- they sang "Over the rainbow". Aidan loved it and couldn't take his eyes off of them. He was so tired but with all the strength he blew them a kiss"
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Feeling blessed
Aidan's new wheels |
" Aidan had a good night after a long day. He lost his pic line early yesterday. Finally last night after a few tries it is where is needs to be. He is a trooper. Aidan is doing pretty good. He's awake more and looks good. Sam is better, yeah! Swallow study today. Also my family is coming here for thanksgiving. Pop-pop (Rick) will be here on the 20th for a week. We continue to be blessed by our family, friends, the staff here, other parents, and strangers! How loved and blessed we are!"
We are the ones who are blessed to know them. I am sure I am not alone in saying this, when I call to try to be encouraging to Diane, I hang up the phone feeling uplifted. We are grateful that God has put Aidan in our lives and that Sam, Diane, and Rick share this journey with us. Aidan is still waiting for his "gift" and we know that the Lord's timing is perfect- so we wait on Him, trust that He is in this, and He knows how to care for Aidan.
"He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.." Psalm 46:10
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The load is heavy
Please continue to pray for strength for the Bennardo family. Oma is now back in Connecticut after experiencing a TIA (a mini stroke) and is being followed by her doctors there. Sam was in the ER today for 5 hours with a migraine. After four bags of fluids and some IV meds she is doing better. We know that "Pop-pop" is struggling being away from his family as he is working to support them. And Diane is still standing by the grace of God. The stress of living in the hospital (they can no longer stay at the house for patient families as there is a 3 month limit...agh!) and riding on the Aidan roller coaster is catching up on them. We pray for them to continue to turn towards God for strength and to call on the Great Burden Bearer when it just seems to heavy to move. On a brighter note the "casts"read my last blog and have not shown up since last Sunday! Yeah :) Go Aidan. His lungs were looking not so good again but as of yesterday the x-rays looked better.
We love you Sam, Diane, Rick, and Oma, and are carrying you with us in our hearts all day and everyday.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Casts, casts, go away!
Aidan has had some awesome days- Praise God for the good days just as we praise Him for being there during the bad days. The vent is only on at night as a precaution. They have him off his main sedative so is alert and in action :) Diane and Sam now have to figure out how to keep him occupied all day in bed. They do get him out for PT and they had him trying to stand. Go Aidan! Today Diane's good friend Robin and her husband flew in from Washington state to Boston as a surprise visit.
Aidan started to cough up casts (the fibrous tissue that is building up in his airways) today. It has been about two weeks with no sightings of them. It is a blow to Sam so please reach out to her and lets keep her uplifted through this bump in the road.
"It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share
And the load doesn't weigh me down at all
*She ain't heavy, she's my sister" :)
Love you Sam! We are all there in heart with you.
(no pictures tonight :( the website is doing some maintenance update so I will post some tomorrow)
Aidan started to cough up casts (the fibrous tissue that is building up in his airways) today. It has been about two weeks with no sightings of them. It is a blow to Sam so please reach out to her and lets keep her uplifted through this bump in the road.
"It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share
And the load doesn't weigh me down at all
*She ain't heavy, she's my sister" :)
Love you Sam! We are all there in heart with you.
(no pictures tonight :( the website is doing some maintenance update so I will post some tomorrow)
Friday, October 15, 2010
As of last night Aidan is now on the transplant list. He has been having very good days. One day he was off the vent for I believe 8 hours! Go Aidan! I love this little boy. He is so amazing. We pray for the family that will be having to make the choice to donate and that by doing so may it bring some comfort in knowing that they are saving a precious little boy. I am confident that God will over rule for what is best for Aidan.
For a boy with half a heart he sure has a lot of love in him! Sleep well tonight buddy. We love you!
"Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name" Psalm 91:14
For a boy with half a heart he sure has a lot of love in him! Sleep well tonight buddy. We love you!
"Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name" Psalm 91:14
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Hello Aidan!
Aidan had a great day yesterday. They had him sitting up watching cartoons and sucking on a sponge pop dipped in Pedialyte. It must have been so awesome to see Aidan being Aidan again. The doctors turned his vent off for two, four hour trials and he did great! Go Aidan. Today he is having some trach and belly issues but Diane said they were nothing to stress about. No news today from the heart team.
On a sad note a family they have come to know at Boston Children's lost their 7 month old baby named Sam. Please pray for this family that they are able to turn to God for comfort during this heavy trial. Sam and Diane are living in a place where babies are fighting for every moment. We can speculate that God might have placed them their at this hospital, at this time, not only for Aidan but to be a blessing to others around them. They have heavy hearts today as they grieve with this family.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Good days :)
Aidan has been having some good days- the last five he has been cast free and chest x-rays are looking better. Today he was off the vent two times for and hour at a time and did great!
The doctors have decided that Aidan is a candidate for a heart transplant. A few more good days and then he will be put on the transplant list. We know that God is in this and we continue to leave Aidan's care in His hands. Since Aidan is on a respirator he will be put at the top of the list. Hang in there Aidan- you can do this!
"The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love... " Zephaniah 3:17
Saturday, October 2, 2010
No more breathing tube
Aidan had his trach placed yesterday. They were able to remove a large cast as well. The doctors said that his esophagus and vocal cords looked good which is great news.
Big hugs for Pop-pop! So glad that Rick is able to spend time with his little Aidan.
Today Aidan has had a rough day with a slight fever and needs our prayers.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sweet dreams little man
Aidan's doctors had a meeting with Sam and Diane to discuss his treatment options. It was a hard meeting for Sam and Diane but they were blessed to have their friend Jackie with them. Jackie is a nurse in the pediatric cardio unit at Yale, which is where she met Aidan. She is a gift from God! She came to spend the night with Sam and Diane even though she just had knee surgery and needs crutches/wheelchair to get around. What a friend!
Aidan's vent was moved from his mouth to his nose. Today Aidan's doctors had him in the cath lab to coil more collateral veins. The doctors are working hard to improve Aidan's lungs. We continue to pray that the doctor's hands and decisions are overruled by God.
I was able to visit Aidan and he was giving the nurses a run for their money. He has a lot of strength and we know you can keep fighting Aidan. We love you! Pop-pop (Rick) is coming tomorrow to see you buddy :)
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Thursday, September 23, 2010
New clothes

Tonight I ask everyone to keep Rick "Pop-pop" in your prayers for Aidan. He is missing his grandson as he has to be in Alabama to work. What a sacrifice for his family, to be strong and to go to work each day.
We love you Aidan- rest easy tonight.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Aidan's Fundraiser
Aidan's cousin Jessica has set up a fundraiser to help offset some of the costs of living in Boston. They are looking to be there for months.
We love you Aidan!
We love you Aidan!
Paparazzi no more pictures :)
Aidan's cath went well (sorry I didn't update sooner!) They were able to do a new fenestration and Aidan has been holding his stats up. He had a xray of his lungs this morning and it was looking like they were not doing well but a second xray later in the day had them looking a little better. They had to do a new pic line and are adjusting his blood pressure meds to help keep his pressures up.
Aidan had some visitors today- family friends Doug and Cheryl and Uncle Stephen. I am so glad that they are in Boston not only for the amazing doctors but so that they can have more visitors :) God is good!
We love you Aidan. You are doing a great job buddy- keep it up! What a strong little boy you are!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
My little sunshine
Laura, Jewel, and I went to see Aidan, Diane, Sam and Oma today. It was so great to see them! Aidan looked like Aidan again- hardly any swelling in his face. Tomorrow he is going back into the cath lab and the doctos are going to try and make a new fenestration in his heart to help relieve some of the pressure which will help stop the casts from forming- so big day, please keep him in your prayers.
Diane and Sam mentioned how awesome the nurses and doctors are at Boston children's. Aidan's blood pressure was dropping and they calmly came in and did what was needed and it wasn't until after that they were told that it was a rocky situation. I was able to see one of Aidan's nurses today and it was her first time with Aidan and she was so wonderful with him. As I can remember from Yale, Aidan has had quite a few impressive nurses in the past. Diane and Sam also said he had a following of nurses at Birmingham- he must win them over with that great smile :)
Aidan did wake up to "say hello" to me with his big bright eyes. He even held my hand- I am so in love with this little boy. He is my little sunshine and may the Lord bless him everyday :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Busy day for Aidan
An email from Diane:
"Wow what a busy day for Aidan. They did a MRI today and he was there for about 2 hrs., it went well though. When he got back to the room he was having some issue's with his blood pressure dropping, they quickly got it under control. Then he had an echo on his belly, it has gotten even more swollen... They put a drain in and blood came out, stopped his heparin and gave him blood and plasma. The surgeon's checked him out and feel stopping the heparin will solve the problem. If the weekend goes well and Aidan does not throw them another curve ball they will do another heart cath on Monday. The results from the MRI lead them to believe they can make Aidan a new fenestration in the cath lab and not in the OR. If he has to have it done in the OR it's rather invasive, so I'm keeping my fat fingers and toes crossed that it works out in the cath lab! He was looking nice and pink tonight and his oxygen levels were in the low 90's! YEAH!"
Aidan we hope you have a peaceful weekend. Get your rest little man- we love you!
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" Matthew 11:28-30
"Wow what a busy day for Aidan. They did a MRI today and he was there for about 2 hrs., it went well though. When he got back to the room he was having some issue's with his blood pressure dropping, they quickly got it under control. Then he had an echo on his belly, it has gotten even more swollen... They put a drain in and blood came out, stopped his heparin and gave him blood and plasma. The surgeon's checked him out and feel stopping the heparin will solve the problem. If the weekend goes well and Aidan does not throw them another curve ball they will do another heart cath on Monday. The results from the MRI lead them to believe they can make Aidan a new fenestration in the cath lab and not in the OR. If he has to have it done in the OR it's rather invasive, so I'm keeping my fat fingers and toes crossed that it works out in the cath lab! He was looking nice and pink tonight and his oxygen levels were in the low 90's! YEAH!"
Aidan we hope you have a peaceful weekend. Get your rest little man- we love you!
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" Matthew 11:28-30
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Plan B
During Aidan's cath the doctor's were not able to do what they wanted to so now its on to plan B- I am still not clear on what that is but I know that they are focusing on getting Aidan's lungs better. He had a quiet day yesterday with an echo done on his belly to see if a drain is needed to help with the excess fluid. Today he had a transfusion and his left lung is not doing too well. They are waiting to hear more from the doctors. We pray that the doctor's thoughts and hands are overruled by God and that Sam and Diane have the strength to endure. We love you guys!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Cream of the crop
Aidan made it to Boston with out a hitch- Thank God! Sam and Diane met with some of Aidan's team of nurses and doctor's today. One of the nurses made the comment that Aidan has the "cream of the crop" looking after him. He had a bronchial scope today to look for casts- and there was none!! Only mucus. They are doing a cath sometime today to see if there needs to be any ballooning done. Sam and Diane feel very good about being in Boston. They wanted me to let all the nurses and doctors in "Bama" that they are so very thankful for all that you did for Aidan.
"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" Ephesians 6:10
Go Aidan go!
I will post again with pictures and more info as they find out more of the game plan.
"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" Ephesians 6:10
Go Aidan go!
I will post again with pictures and more info as they find out more of the game plan.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Boston bound!
Samantha has asked me to start up the blog again to keep everyone updated on our little buddy Aidan. As many of you have heard Aidan has been in the hospital since the beginning of August battling plastic bronchitis. Plastic bronchitis is when rubber like casts form in the lungs causing airway obstruction and can present in people with congenital heart defects.
Aidan has shown the doctors and nurses at Birmingham Children's hospital how strong he is and how God is working in his life. He has given them quite a scare a few times but in Aidan like fashion continues to fight. They have found a doctor in Boston who has treated other children with hypo-plastic left heart syndrome. He has preformed reverse surger
( The hair-do is courtesy of one of Aidan's nurses and the other picture Aidan is trying to hide from the doctors :)
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